Practice what you preach, or at least make it look like you’re trying

I think sometimes people are just too hard on themselves. Why is the world so stressed these days? Because we schedule too closely, eat too quickly, text too often, and as a result, stress ourselves to oblivion. Does this make any logical sense whatsoever? No. Do we continue this sickening pattern every single day regardless? Yes.

It really makes you think. For me, I think about it a lot and it ironically makes me more stressed but that is probably because I don’t do it properly. I try to ignore my phone, but am always waiting for a call. I try to slow down, but then guilt myself about doing “nothing”. In the end what does this really get me? I think in the end I will have developed an ulcer and become a total wreck that struggles to even leave bed because I’m so crippled by stress. If you think about it this way, you’re making yourself stressed about doing nothing or more accurately “taking it easy” (well-deserved of course) to then an inevitable future demise where you will then be unable to do anything but “take it easy”. Then where will that leave you? The answer is even more stressed because you won’t have any choice but to feel guilty about not taking it easier sooner and now being forced to take it easy when you should be busy liking your work (or trying anyway), loving family life (hopefully you don’t have to try hard for this one) and being so hypnotically caught up in this wonderful thing called life that you have no time left at all for stress.

I know it’s all easier said than done. Obviously…As I’m currently sitting here beside a pile of readings that haven’t been done, feeling guilty that instead of tending to them I’m here on my computer writing, but writing is my passion, it’s what I love to do and I have to learn to feel less guilty for allowing myself that time. Do I feel guilty that I have all this work piling up as we speak? Yes. Do I know I’ll have trouble getting to sleep tonight because of worrying about having enough time tomorrow? Duh. But do I believe that that will be my reality forever? Not at all. Or at least, I really hope not. Thing is, we’re all pretty deep into the technology now and it feels like there’s no going back at this point. Since you’re reading this blog I’m going to assume that we’re all fairly tech-savvy or maybe a better term would be tech-somewhat-capable people and most of us turn to our devices for just about everything. You do realize that there’s this thing called the library that has real books about Celiac Disease and all that jazz, right? Just kidding, those books are dirty and other people have touched them and us blog-appreciating people don’t need none of those germs now do we? Too cool for school over here! But seriously, we all just need to put thought into what we’re doing and how we do it. I won’t use the term “mindful” because I know that is frowned upon in the world-wide community (more or less of course) but we really do need to be thoughtful (is that a better word?) of how we plan our days and what they really consist of. Let me ask you this: When you’re lying on your death bed however many years from now, will you wish you had spent more time at the office or at lunch with that friend that you pretty much hate but go out with because she’s “really not that bad” or you’re “not really in a position to be losing any friends at the moment” you “really don’t need the drama”? Chances are you’re going to regret not spending enough time with the people who truly enrich your life and who made you feel at peace under all the stress. You may even miss your alone time. True extroverts probably won’t understand that one but for people who enjoy the solitary way of life, I got you.

Moral of the story is that there is so much hope, even under all the stress, we just need to allow ourselves the time to find it. We need time to accept that we can’t do everything at once (we shouldn’t have to by the way!) and that life is about so much more than scheduling. Our health is depending on it and our bodies need us to listen and understand that.

How is this related to Celiac Disease, you ask? Truth is, it relates quite strongly actually. Yes, I may have gotten carried away with analogies but hey, you’re still reading to this point right? Caught ya. Celiac Disease is an autoimmune disorder and although everyone can experience their symptoms differently, many people (myself included) find fatigue to be a huge problem. On top of my busy days and the stress, I feel even more stressed because I’m so fatigued and take even more time completing tasks than most people. Thing is, I know that I don’t HAVE to feel this way but I am ALLOWING myself to feel this way. People who suffer from fatigue, pain, whatever lovely symptoms you may have from celiac disease (or any illness for that matter) need to put less pressure on themselves. We all need to remember that yes it may sound cliché but, we ARE only human. Sorry to tell you folks, but it’s true. We aren’t some crazy robots designed to work 3000 hours a day. If you’re anything like me you have trouble accepting that and yes, you have to be tough to have an illness like Celiac Disease, but let’s settle for tough shall we? No need for “robotic” to become a desirable personality trait now.

I know they say practice what you preach and yes, I try. No, I’m not perfect or even remotely good at it yet but I figure that at least understanding the theory of it is a good start right? Who knows, I mean, you wouldn’t want your doctors or engineers to have that kind of philosophy but I admit to being a work in progress. A hard working person with celiac disease that forces me to work just that much harder. So from now on I will attempt to master not only the theory, but the method as well. Maybe someday I will be one of those zen people for whom nothing phases them and they just walk around like cool cucumbers all chill and shit. Wishful thinking, that will never be me, but I can only try my best. I hope some of you will try it with me. Remember, Celiac disease can be hard on our bodies and minds, we don’t need stress added to the equation only making it that much harder.